
The chief executive officer (CEO) of the Sheriff’s Office is the elected Sheriff. The Sheriff is a constitutional officer in Georgia, elected to 4 year terms by Gordon County voters. The word sherifforiginated in Great Britain in the middle ages wherein the sheriff collected taxes and enforced the law for the king. The office of Sheriff is the oldest law enforcement position in the United States.  The Sheriff is defined as the chief law enforcement officer of each county under Georgia law. The Office of Sheriff has continued uninterrupted in Gordon County since 1850.

In Georgia, the Sheriff has 3 principle duties:

  • To maintain and preserve the peace and order within the county through the enforcement of criminal laws, statutes, and ordinances,
  • To maintain and operate the county jail, and
  • To act as the enforcement arm of the various courts within Gordon County and to provide security for those courts and their officials

The Sheriff’s Office is categorized, and budgeted, into 2 separate Bureaus:

  • The Enforcement Bureau: is subdivided into the Uniform Patrol Division, the Detective Division, and specialized Units. The Uniform Patrol Division patrols the county roads to suppress and detect crime, arrest violators, and acts as the first responders to requests for service. The Detective Division provides follow-up investigations into reports of crimes, and detects, arrests, and prosecutes violators, including violations of the State Controlled Substances Act.
  • The Judicial Bureau: is subdivided into the Jail Operations Division, and the Court Services Division. The Jail Operations Division is responsible for the safe and secure operation of the county jail and the inmate occupants, and to maintain the required records of incarcerated persons. The Court Services Division receives and serves all court process (warrants, civil actions, & summonses), transports inmates, and provides physical security for the Superior Court and judges.

The various positions and ranks within the Sheriff’s Office include: civilian employee (non sworn), jailor, deputy sheriff, detective, sergeant, sergeant-first-class, lieutenant, captain, major, and chief deputy sheriff.

The Sheriff’s Office employs a total of 122 persons. All positions are classified under the Gordon County Personnel (civil service) System.

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