Raffle Permits

Pursuant to the Official Code of Georgia, Annotated (OCGA) section 16-12-22.1  Operation of Raffles, the sheriff is responsible for the issuance of Raffle Licenses to certain non-profit organizations within the respective county, and for the enforcement of the provisions of the code section.

  • Section 16-12-22.1 (b)(1) defines a “Non-profit, tax exempt” organization as “churches, schools, civic organizations, or related support groups, non-profit organizations qualified under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, or bona fide non-profit organizations approved by the sheriff.”
  • The License allows for three (3) raffles per calendar year.
  • The sheriff has the authority to suspend or revoke the license for any violation of this code section.
  • The sheriff must be notified in writing of the winner(s) of all raffles, and the value of all prizes by the licensee.
  • The organization seeking a license must have, prior to the request, been in existence for at least twenty four (24) months.
  • Licenses which have been approved may be picked up in person at the Sheriff’s Office, sent via email, or sent via US Mail.

Requests for Raffle Licenses and any questions should be directed to Ms. Tera Wilson, 706-879-5473, or email tera.wilson@gordoncountyga.gov

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